Saturday February 21

Ashley pulled the twin mattress into the round pen. (We try to acclimate all of our horses to walking over all types of surfaces without (much) hesitation. This way, if you are on a trail and you come across an obstacle that must be crossed; your horse will probably be more willing to go over it. This is a lot better than either dismounting to move it or having to turn around and go back.) Tequila’s tail went straight up into the air and she ran to the other side of the pen. She looked at the mattress and gave a couple of snorts and then proceeded to walk to the mattress and step all over it. Ashley round penned her, caught her and led her over the other objects (heavy plastic pallet, wooden bridge, several different kinds of tarps) and Tequila had no qualms about any of the objects. Ashley can play with her feet and can brush her whole body. Ashley does jumping jacks next to Tequila and plays with the ropes around her body and Tequila handles it all very well.
I have Kahlua in the 20 x 20 working on getting her to face up. I am now able to get on both sides of her. I can brush her to her rump. We really need for her to allow us to play with her legs…….I take her into the round pen and introduce her to the mattress and other bomb proofing ‘stuff’. Kahlua is not overly concerned with the objects but does require some coaxing to step on them.

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